Flowerbed Makeover

When we moved into our house in May, one of the first things that caught my attention was how neglected the what-used-to-be flowerbed had been in those few years that we were gone.

For those of you that may not know– we moved back into the same house that we had moved into when we first got married. Our first home together.

Unfortunately I didn’t get a real before photo, but this is what we were working with after an hour of raking leaves and pulling weeds.

One of our small piles

Then we put the landscaping timbers down

Once everything was level, we went to Lowes to pick out our flowers

Our little assistant

Once the soil was down I finally started to see our hard work paying off

And finally, we had ourselves a flowerbed. Drum roll, please!

Just few weeks into summer we topped the flowerbed with mulch

That weekend was so special to me. Sure, we made our back yard a little more appealing, but what I remember about that weekend was time spent with Jordan. The shoveling, raking, and hammering. The smell of the sunscreen I rubbed on his back. The soft sound of laughter around the neighborhood as people grilled out and enjoyed time with friends and family. Coming inside to the air conditioner toasting bread and slicing tomatoes for sandwiches. Our giggling babies that had melted popsicle dripping off their chins. The simple and most precious moments are in our every day life. Don’t let those sweet moments pass you by. Embrace them today, friends!

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