My Spiritual Routine

Devotional life is deepened by repetition and routine. The truth is, spiritual health is connected to mental, emotional, social, and even physical health. When our spirit is healthy, our body is healthier, our brain is healthier, our relationships are healthier. Our entire soul is healthier.

Spiritual health may mean something different to each of us. To me, spiritual health means connecting with God on a daily basis through slowing down, tuning in, listening and obeying the whispers. Spiritual health involves stepping out of our minds and body, getting in touch with what really matters.

There are plenty of ways to start a daily spiritual practice. Here are mine. I hope they inspire you to make your spiritual growth a priority!

I start each day with a scripture reading from the First 5 app and prayer. I read the passage before I even get out of bed. First 5 will greet you with a short teaching first thing in the morning, so you can exchange whispers with God before shouts with the world.

I bible study. This is my opportunity to commit to a daily quiet time. If you want to develop a relationship with God, you have to set aside a time for prayer, meditation, and spiritual reading. Soon you will wonder how you got along without that intimate time dedicated to spiritual growth.

I plan my day. I have found that being organized liberates you, freeing you to focus on things that are most important to you.

I take vitamins daily. Getting the right nutrition into your body is important. Just as you fuel your body with vitamins, you also need to fuel your faith with spiritual nutrients. Just as you check out the vitamin section at Walgreens or CVS, check out the “spiritual vitamin” section at a local bookstore.

Eat for energy and purify your body with water. If I’m honest, I struggle with this one pretty often. I would rather have a diet coke than ice water and I love Kit Kats and Mexican food. But friends, when you eat healthier you will discover new energy.

I exercise. Researchers have found that exercise energizes you and decreases the stress and tension that rob you of mental energy. Even if ‘s only 15 minutes a day, and some days those 15 minutes can be really hard, get your body moving.

I keep a gratitude journal. I aim to write down 5 things a day so I will be able to reflect on many days filled with gifts from the hand of God. Practicing gratitude as a way of life can show you how great and rich the blessings are in your life.

I always try to have a trusting attitude. A positive mind-set helps to develop a lighter, happier attitude that cushions the bumps in the road. I have learned that a trusting attitude opens the door for positive change. When I catch myself complaining or focusing on what I don’t have, I exchange those complaints for praise and thanksgiving.

I have turned down the media. The news covers war, horror, greed, murders, trouble. Social media offers a constant flow of chatter, negativity, criticism, opinions, and advertising. I understand that it’s important to be aware of what is going on in our country, but I have replaced time that I used to spend on social media with time in prayer. I have went on a media fast. I am allowing myself quiet time for communion with God.

I seek supportive people. Think about your inner circle. Who believes in you, supports you, and has a positive attitude? Do you have friends that drain your energy with negativity? Actively seek to surround yourself with supportive friends.

I use essential oils. A couple drops of lavender essential oil can calm a headache or help relax. It eases stress on many levels. Proverbs 27:9 says, “Ointment and perfume delight the heart.”

I treat my body as God’s temple. Guys, I haven’t always looked at myself as a living temple in which the Spirit of God dwells. Our bodies are beautiful expressions of God’s creativity and He has entrusted us to use them wisely. Look at your hands. Meditate on all the things hands can do, both good and bad. Dedicate the work of your hands to God.

I get as much sleep as I can. A calm spirit in a rested body is a beautiful thing. Jordan and I aim for 6 to 8 hours of restful sleep each night.

I am content. Let’s face it, we live in a society that feeds on feelings of desire. “Buy this lipstick, buy this car,” this kind of advertising is telling us that more is never enough. I choose to delight in the gifts that God has already given me. I have an incredible, hardworking husband, three healthy babies, a loving family and friends, sunsets, beautiful flowers, and so many peaceful pleasures.

I’m learning to let go and let God. When I am struggling to overcome a situation, but come to the limits of my strength and ability, I immediately call on God. When I have done my best, I let go and leave the results up to God. His plans for my life are always far better than my own plans.

I perform acts of kindness. I love sending cards, giving gifts, holding the door for someone, and praying for others. Small acts of kindness can make someone’s day more pleasant. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. Let that be a reminder as you honor others with simple acts of kindness this week.

I worship with others. You will find us at church on Sundays and every Wednesday evening. We make it clear to football, baseball, and basketball coaches that if there are practices or games on Wednesday afternoons that we will not be there. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Attending church services with our church family for worship, praise, and fellowship is extremely important to our family.

I create pleasant surroundings. The scent of peach cobbler baking in the oven, a beautifully set table, and the beauty of fresh flowers are all soothing blessings to me. Opening the windows for fresh air and playing soft music is something simple, but can be so relaxing.

Last but not least, I choose happiness over worry. “Be not afraid” is found more than three hundred times in the bible. When you focus on what could go wrong, you are missing out on what is going right. When I am tempted to worry, I meditate on Psalm 23.

I hope this post has given you some ideas and that you create a spiritual routine if you haven’t already. Today I challenge you to make a habit of something that will bring you closer to God and to make it a priority. I know you can do it, sweet friend!

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