Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!

Today for Friday Favorites I’m going to share my favorite apps. I have six favorite apps- two of them I use daily.

First 5 is the first app I open each day. It is designed to connect your heart to God’s word the first five minutes of your day.

I still can’t get enough of Pinterest. Anytime I need some inspiration, I go to this app. Recipes, organization tips, life hacks, craft ideas- you name it, Pinterest has it.

The WordPress app is how I post to the blog and Snapseed is how I edit photos to use in my posts.

The Shutterfly app is my go-to for photo prints. It is so much more convenient for me to upload the pictures I want printed to the app, order them online, and have them sent directly to my mailbox.

The Project Life app makes my scrapbook-lovin’ heart oh so full. Who are we kidding, when is there enough time in the day to scrapbook? I don’t have a space that is just used for crafting so by the time I get out all of my supplies, I’m no longer motivated to scrapbook. With the app, the pictures I want to use are on my phone or another SD card so I can easily scrapbook one page in less than 5 minutes. Absolutely no hassle. Can I get an amen?!

Rather than ordering my completed pages through the Project Life app, I save the pages to my phone and develop them through the Shutterfly app. Shutterfly has so many options when it comes to picture sizing, but when I’m ordering project life pages I order the 8×8 or 12×12 prints.

What are your favorite apps?

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