Valentine’s Day

Each year we start off our day by exchanging gifts.

I have to say, the hubby done great this year.

His sweet cards always make me tear up.


I didn’t get a picture of him with his gift because I was too excited and gave it to him a few days early, but this year I bought him a sleeping bag. He’s a big outdoorsman and had gotten a new backpack over the holidays so we have slowly been making purchases to add to it. Our recent purchases have been a poncho, a first aid kit, and a compass. I’m excited for warmer weather so he can put this stuff to use!

He also got a card from each kid (including the dog) and a box of candy.

As for the kids, they are always fun to shop for.

Klara’s gifts included

  • a doll
  • a stuffed animal
  • 2 books
  • a small box of chocolates
  • a cute notepad (.97 from Wal-Mart, guys!)
  • a heart ink pen


Kylan’s gifts were mostly Minecraft related because he’s currently Minecraft obsessed.

  • a Minecraft shirt
  • a box that included a surprise character
  • a Minecraft character set
  • a box of chocolates
  • a card


Koby is infatuated with Angry Bird Star Wars. Luckily for us, Star Wars items are everywhere right now so shopping for him was a breeze. All of his stuff came from the dollar spot at Target!

  • a strom trooper piggy bank
  • a Darth Vader notebook
  • two candy lightsabers- one red, one blue
  • some of his favorite candy- cowtails, Mr. Goodbar, and a box of Resse’s

Our sweet Greta girl had a blast opening her gifts. I didn’t get a picture, but there is a video on my Instagram account of her opening her gifts if you want to check it out! We bought her a bag of treats, a bone, and a banana split squeaky toy. Her first Valentine’s Day was special. Just look at that face!


After we exchanged gifts, Jordan made biscuits, gravy, and sausage for breakfast. What would Valentine’s Day be without heart shaped biscuits and strawberry milk?

After breakfast I took Kylan to Urgent Care- the most dreaded place in the world because I am a complete germophobe, especially this time of year. His face had been bright red for a few days, which I assumed was his eczema acting up with this frigid cold weather and dry heat in the house. He also woke up with this splotchy rash all over his upper body and thighs. Klara seemed to have red cheeks, too, but she wasn’t as much of a concern where it was only her face.

Once we were in a room, the nurse that we first spoke to seemed certain that it was Fifths Disease. The doctor came in and suggested strep, but looked at Kylan’s throat and almost instantly ruled that out. She didn’t have much to go by because there were no other symptoms other than a headache that he had on Friday morning. No fever, no itching, no nausea. She sent us to the lab and they done blood work. She said his blood count came back and that everything appeared to be fine, so you know what that means. Whatever it is, it’s viral. Later on that evening, Klara’s rash seemed to be spreading. Before she went to bed, her arms and thighs were also broke out in the same patterned rash as Kylan’s. The more I looked into Fifth’s Disease, the more I seemed to think that this really might be what they have. Klara has had a low grade fever and has been sleeping for 12-14 hours a night, but other than that, she hasn’t shown any other symptoms. As a mama, all I can do is pray that the Lord will take care of them, as I know He will. He always does.


For our Valentine’s dinner, we had chicken, (the BEST chicken recipe I have ever used!) macaroni and cheese, and green beans. It wasn’t anything special, but when you throw it all together on a cute heart plate, you would be surprised at how festive the meal feels.


For dessert we made cupcakes!


I am so blessed to have Valentine’s that are as sweet as these guys!


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