The Years Are Short

After we dropped the boys off at school, Klara and I had breakfast together! That girl loves her oatmeal and toast.

After breakfast I made a cup of coffee and cleaned up the boy’s room a bit. As long as I turn on Elmo’s World, Klara will let me get anything done. I sorted through toys, organized their books, swept their floor and made their beds. Bunk beds and fitted sheets are one of the biggest annoyances in life.
I sorted through our movie stash and found a million DVDs that have lost their boxes, which isn’t surprising at all considering we have a toddler in the house. With the help of two cups of coffee, I got all of our fall décor boxed up to make room for our Christmas décor. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but somehow I have less Christmas décor than any other holiday. Weird, right? Oh well, just another reason to go to Marshalls and TJ Maxx this weekend.
After another cup of coffee I ordered our Christmas cards I am in love with them! Free shipping makes me so incredibly happy.
I made homemade peanut butter cookies as a gift for my mom and they made the house smell amazing.


Last night she left the emergency room with a cast and crutches because of a broken ankle. In order for her to get some rest, I was able to get a substitute to cover for me at work so I could spend the day with Klara.
Wednesday nights we have dinner at my mom’s.
Tonight we had biscuits and gravy.

Once we made it home we tackled homework, baths and showers. Folders and assignment books were signed and teeth were brushed. If only there were more hours in the day to love on my babies.

Even though some days are long, the years are short.

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