Kylan’s Story

This is our seven year old son, Kylan.


If there was any such thing as the perfect child, he would be it.

Kylan weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces when he was born.

He was absolutely perfect.

I made him, but he made me a mother.


He was always in the 99th percentile for his weight. At one point he was off of the charts. His pediatrician was concerned, but explained that some babies just hold onto all of the nutrients in formula or breast milk, and that Kylan was one of them. He reassured us that once Kylan started walking, he would burn off some fat and slim down.

When he started walking, he was bow legged as most babies are at first. As time progressed, his legs only seemed to get worse. He wasn’t able to walk far distances and would rub his legs crying every afternoon saying they hurt. We would get stares and ugly remarks when we would go in public, and once we were asked, “What’s wrong with his legs?” People can be so inconsiderate. However, it was never the stares, the rude comments, or other people’s opinions that bothered me. What bothered me was that my baby was in pain. He couldn’t run without feeling pain. He couldn’t sit criss cross applesauce at school like his friends. He couldn’t even walk across the yard without his legs aching.

His left leg was worse than his right one. He couldn’t wear anything other than elastic pants because nothing would go on over his legs.

His pediatrician told us where he was carrying around so much weight, that was why he was bowlegged. He also mentioned that the way Kylan laid in the womb could have affected it as well.

We were eventually referred to a specialist in Knoxville. After only a few visits to this doctor, Kylan was able to start going to Shriners Hospital for Children. They have been such a blessing to us. At first, the doctor mentioned that it was likely Kylan would need surgery. I was frantic. I remember lying in bed crying at the thought of my sweet little boy having to be operated on.

What began as a once a year visit has turned into every other year. At our last visit in August of 2014, the doctor showed us x-rays from each visit and said, “There is no way this was anything other than God’s work.”

These are the x-rays from our first four visits.


We have had two appointments since the last x-ray and Kylan is continuing to show improvement.

He has played soccer, baseball, and will soon be starting his second year of basketball. Isn’t our God so good? Our family will continue to praise Him for all that He has done and will continue to do.

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