Our Long Weekend

Friday was parent/teacher conference day for our county schools so we got a long weekend! That is one of the many reasons I love my job.

Kylan and Koby wanted to stay with my mom on Thursday night and on Friday morning Kylan and my papaw left for Charlottesville, Virginia. They visited my aunt and went to see her husband’s football team play at Scott Stadium.

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On Thursday afternoon Jordan and I took Klara to the mall. We had dinner, got a piece of cookie cake and went in a few stores. After we left the mall we went to my all-time favorite place, Hobby Lobby. We went to buy a planner I have been wanting for a few months now, and they had it sitting pretty on their shelf! Our family is on a pretty strict budget since I am on unemployment all summer, so it was a special treat to be able to buy something for myself.


After Hobby Lobby we went to Target. Two of my favorite places in one day! Jordan was just asking for trouble.

Friday morning I went to a few yard sales and out for coffee. That evening my mom came to pick up Koby and they went to Chuck E Cheese. He had so much fun! Jordan and I took Klara to Rush Street for dinner then to Kohl’s and bought her some fall/winter clothes. We bought her 5 outfits and two other shirts for $40 and our receipt shows that we saved $103. Is that crazy or what?!



Saturday morning Jordan went to visit his mom and they walked some of the Creeper Trail. When he got home we done our grocery shopping. The most exciting part of the trip was getting what we needed to make a fall wreath for the house. Klara held onto her list and marked off items as we went down the aisles.


She even got a balloon!


Today was our church homecoming. You guys, I have never seen so much food! My plate had chicken, turkey and gravy, dressing, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet corn, pasta salad, two casserole dishes and a roll. Let’s be honest though, a part of me wanted to skip straight to the dessert table.

After church we cleaned the house, done some laundry and cleaned off our porch. It took me twenty minutes to sweep the leaves off of our deck and by the time I was done, new leaves had already fallen. Our house is extremely small so we keep a storage building for all of our stuff that we don’t have room for, so today Jordan stopped by and found my box of fall décor. I’ve done a little decorating today and have fall scented candles burning throughout the house. I love this time of year!

And the best part of the day? Kylan made it home safely! He had a ball on his mini-vacation and my papaw kept telling us how much he enjoyed having him along for the ride. Those two are quite the pair.

How was your weekend?

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