Just Another Saturday

Yesterday I had an IEP meeting at Koby’s school. It’s the first one we have had this school year, so I was anxious to hear how he has been doing in the classroom. I haven’t blogged about his story yet, but hope to do it soon. Long story short, he is doing great in school and is exactly where he needs to be academically. This is spectacular news for me and his dad. Our God is so good!

This morning my papaw came to pick up the boys and took them out for breakfast. Once they finish breakfast, he takes them to the barber shop. That has always been their tradition and the boys absolutely love it. On his way to pick up the boys, he had stopped and got breakfast for me, Jordan, and Klara- who, by the way, slept a full 10 hours last night! Family is such a beautiful thing. I am so thankful to be surrounded by family who adore our kiddos just as much as I do.

After breakfast, Jordan went to our favorite spot, The Bagel Exchange. This has turned into an every Saturday thing. He brought home three cheddar bagels, three everything bagels, and vegetable cream cheese.

I have three assignments and a timed quiz due for my online class by Monday morning so my whole day was set aside for homework, but we went hiking at Bays Mountain instead! It was a spur of the moment decision, but it was exactly what I needed. Fall was in the air today so I enjoyed every minute of being outdoors.

After we left Bays Mountain we went to the grocery store. I love grocery shopping, especially with Jordan. I think today was the first time we have ever stood down the cereal aisle and agreed on which box of cereal we wanted. Usually one of us has to surrender.

On our way home we stopped for lemonade at Chick-fil-A. How can you enjoy the beautiful outdoors, share a lemonade with your husband, and not feel like you are blessed beyond belief?

We unloaded the groceries, put them away, and I started on the homework I have been putting off for as long as possible. Lately I have been the biggest procrastinator. I have maintained a 4.0 GPA for three semesters, but this online course is time-consuming and in-depth material. The Lord is constantly speaking to me though, and reminding me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The cooler weather has made us anxious for fall so for dinner Jordan whipped up some homemade chicken and wild rice soup. It was delicious! He has no idea how much I appreciate what he does for me. I love Saturday nights with him and our little ones and I love knowing that I get to worship my Lord in the morning at church.

How was your weekend?

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