Our Weekday Routine

Even though it’s only been a four day work week for most of us, I have been overwhelmed this week. More so than usual.
Note to self: Never take another online class.

Today was a much needed family day. After school and work, we all went to the mall to pick out birthday gifts for my mother-in-law. Bath & Body Works this time of year is like Heaven on earth. I can’t wait for my house to smell like Pumpkin Pecan Waffles.
Today I want to share what a typical weekday is like for us.
5:45- I wake up, make a cup of coffee, and start on breakfast for the kids. Most days they request blueberry muffins. Mom hack: Buy a .83 pack of muffin mix at Walmart and put the batter in a waffle maker.
6:00- I wake up Kylan so he can take a shower. I pack lunchboxes and if I’m not on top of things, this is the time I’m washing a load of laundry on the speed cycle and end up wearing damp pants to work. It’s happened before.
6:30- I wake up Koby and him and Kylan eat breakfast.
6:45- The kids have finished breakfast and I repeatedly tell them to get their clothes on while I change Klara’s diaper and put her clothes on.
6:50- The boys still aren’t dressed, I’m running around the house looking for my shoes that the baby has carried off, and this is when I realize I really need my second cup of coffee.
7:29- We’re usually out the door. Sometimes after a whole lot of bribing, whining, and threatening.
7:45- The boys are usually dropped off at school between 7:30 and 7:45.
Unless it’s like last week when Kylan left his backpack on the trunk of my car and we didn’t realize it until we were already halfway to school. We had to turn around and finally found it laying in the middle of the road about a mile from our house.
After I drop the kids off, I rush to work. I usually pull in the parking lot around 8:05.

Once I finish up in the classroom around 3:30, I pick up the kiddos. They ride the bus to my mom’s so I pick up all three of them at her house and we come home to daddy cooking dinner. Y’all, my husband does all of the cooking at our house and I am beyond grateful for his help every day.
After dinner there isn’t really a routine. Anything goes around here. We do homework and we sing songs. The Itsy Bitsy Spider goes up the waterspout about 46 times every afternoon. We usually do a load of laundry a night or else clothes pile up. We take baths, we get loud, we watch Mother Goose Club, play Monopoly, and sometimes we get to eat Oreos in the living room.

Mom life is hard, but man, it is so worth it.

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