Labor Day

Today is the first Monday we have all been home together. Usually this is the busiest day of the week for us. On a typical Monday the hubby goes to work, I drop Kylan and Koby off at school and Klara and I run errands. I have class from 3-6 every Monday and once a month I will be there until 8 o’clock so that puts daddy in charge of dinner, homework, baths and bedtime. Today though, there was no work and no school. Labor Day rocks!

I woke up this morning and Jordan, my husband, had made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. We all ate together which never happens during the week, so I don’t take mornings like this for granted. After breakfast, Jordan went for his morning run while I cleaned up the kitchen. I had an extra credit assignment for one of my classes that needed to be done, so Jordan entertained the kiddos while I got it finished. For lunch we had leftover chicken sandwiches. Klara had rice, peaches, a sliced banana, and a piece of toast with hummus.

Our plans for the rest of the day include bathing suits, the water hose, Jordan grilling chicken for dinner, and our usual family time before bed.

Happy Labor Day! How are you and your family celebrating?

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